Saturday 8 November 2014

Common Sense has become Uncommon

Assalamualaikum peeps!

Lately, ada kat  satu page luahan ni, banyak pasal orang yang takde common sense, dan kebetulan jugak, Moi pon pernah banyak kali encounter orang yang takde atau kurang common sense nih.
Mesti ada some people cakap, 'apekebendelah. lek2 sudah.' TAPI, bukan semua benda boleh buat leklu, isap rokok lu. Sebab benda2 yg common sense ni lah yang menjadikan hidup lebih aman tanpa prejudis.
Common sense ni, dari sekecil-kecil benda ke besar-besar benda tau. Contohnya, kalau tinggal kat asrama, masalah sampah, toilet tak flush, bising etc. Kalau dengan sahabat2 plak, mula lah ada orang yang terasa hati bagai dengan orang tidak berperikemanusiaan berperiperasaaan nih.

Disebabkan Moi ada belajar dalam salah satu lecturer subjek Neuroscience ni, maka Moi pon haruslah ber-husnudzon dengan orang yang takde common sense nih. Dalam kelas tu, lecturer ada cakap pasal satu bahagian otak yang diberi nama Amygdala yang mengawal semua perasaan kita. Maka, dengan itu, Moi bersama sahabat handai pon membuatlah kesimpulan bahawa, orang yang tiada common sense ni, amygdala dia mungkin underdeveloped, kalau tidak termasuk faktor luar (macam didikan awal dari rumah/sekolah).

Serious talk, common sense ni penting kayh untuk menjaga hubungan dengan manusia. Moi pernah terkena banyak kali. Mula-mula tu sabar je lah, sebab kawan kan.. tapi lama-lama rasa kawan tu makin 'over'. Pastu malas dah nak layan orang macam ni. Alhamdulillah, hidup Moi tenang kembali tanpa kontroversi. hak!

Kepada rakan Moi tu, sedar2 la ye. Cermin diri balik, jangan cepat judge orang kenapa dia layan kau pelik. miuhuhu. *peace yo*

P/S: Daripada baca jurnal, baik tulis post, kan cik Moi??? hnssfffff #selfsarcasm #hashtagkatsiniponboleh

Sunday 16 March 2014


OMG! hari-hari dapat assignment baru and most of them involve reading science papers! *weakness* and of course, after reading them, have to present them! 

uh, emmm.. Assalamualaikum ;)

sorry, was so preoccupied complaining sampai lupa nak bagi salam :P .

Alkisahnya, once upon a time, not long ago, a week ago, we were in our fourth week of the sixth semester, and all works began piling. I know, I can't complain much, that it is part of the learning process, this would somehow prepared us for the 'real world' yadda3...but I'm just worried some of the works would not be delivered handsomely to the lecturers and thus there goes my marks. Then it would affect my result since most works have carry-on marks :/  

But anyway, despite all the heap of works, I somehow managed to steal 'some' time to do something that one would say time-wasting. And it is actually time wasting but I like it. Know why? Because I made new acquaintances. Though the 'friendship' did not last long, but I actually get to know people, their places, culture and indirectly their personality. Here are some of the people I met: 

- a social medical worker, doing his PhD in Psychology, (USA)
- a graduated-from-high-school student and a vlogger, currently writing a novel, (Australia)
- a final year student of mechanical engineering, will present his paper in Paris, (London,UK)
- a manager of a retail shop (been working since 15yo), travelled to Spain, France, Ireland and around UK, is eager to come to Malaysia to eat durian :P (Yorkshire, UK)
- a first year student in Philosophy, just want to learn and improve his English (Indonesia)  

I actually had fun conversing with them. They are fun people who are just bored when I met them. But of course, in the course of searching for a 'good' friend, there are also the bad ones that I had to encounter. The bad ones are always with the messed up mind but no matter, I can stop the conversation right away, without even considering anything. And,oh, did I tell you yet, I met these people through a chat site? But you might have guessed it already by now. I know, there used to be lots of bad comments bout these kind of sites. But hey, for me it is how we make use of it, right? Whether we want to use it wisely and smartly or we want to make a fool out of ourselves. :P 

Well, that's all for now I guess. It's almost 1 AM, should go to bed now. 
See ya don't wanna be ya!

P/S: Count your blessings, not your problems.

P/S/P/S: I will try to write once a week because I want to familiarise myself in writing, you know, for academic purposes *cough cough* night peeps!

Sunday 2 March 2014

A sudden urge to Write

2nd March 2014, 11.51pm

WHOA! it has been almost 3 years now since the post upthere. I just want to say, after all these years of studying and failing and studying and failing, I actually feel better about my course, Science Biomedicine! *insert fireworks* Now I'm a third year student and I feel determined. Determined of what? You'd ask. I don't know. It's just that, I get a different perspective of my course. Sure, we're not as fancy as doctors, 'cause we're the behind-the-scene guys (or girls). But what we do is equally important as the doctors. We are actually a part of a bigger team and we can't do our job properly if one of us flunk it. After all, we're in the human business. Sick people come to the hospital - the doctor take samples -  send to the lab - we examined it - back to the doctor and he diagnosed it. Not all doctors can remember what they memorized from their textbooks. It's not like sick people - doctor - diagnosed (tho it is true in not so serious cases). The doctors need our help to help him to help you (i.e the patients). 

I had always been afraid if what I do now is not right for me, it is not meant for me. But from what I've learnt, the knowledge seems to never cease to stun me. But of course the knowledge comes with a price. I've been stressed out, cried out loud, and felt doubtful of myself. It got worse when my results were like feces. But like what Good Girl  Miley Cyrus once said, 'gotta keep my head held high' there's always gonna be another mountain And I did, despite of what I felt on the inside ( a failure). And Alhamdulillah, the fifth semester had been a good semester for me and I hope it would last until forever. 

Personally, I think from Biomedical course, we can do so many things! Not particularly work in the lab all day, all year long. We can be in a research team, trying very hard to cure diseases, finding new ways of solving problems. We can be in biotech team, working on new technologies. Heck, we can even be doctors too! 

-12.30 AM, and I really must go to bed, because you know, tomorrow (or today?) is Monday-

Last but not least, few words for myself and other students who are also been struggling and in a pithole,

Just close your eyes and push right through,

I know it's tough right now,
This was meant for you,
When the clouds are gone,
Not a storm insight,
You'll be drenched in the sun,
With open eyes...

P/S: Different perspective, try it!

         Start with nawaitu

Friday 5 July 2013

...yet, another one

Assalamualaikum, maka bertemu kita lagi pada kali ini iaitu pada cuti semester yang ke-sekian kalinya..

Macam biasalah aokmer, sebelum cuti pongpang-pongpang idea kununnya nak wat time cuti. Tapi bila dah cuti kejadahnya menghabiskan masa ngan baca buku-buku yang dibeli guna baucer buku tu. At least okey la kan dari main asyik game jek..haha *padahal dah takde game nak main*  Best jugak hape baca buku2 ni, wpon hanyalah buku2 cerita, rasa macam beradventure, tapi through imagination..hehe

Tapi ada la jugak aktiviti yang bermanfaat Moi wat, and semuanya thanks to kawan Moi, Tikah. Aktiviti yang Moi join tu sangat la best. Alhamdulillah Moi dan sahabat-sahabat diberi peluang untuk turut serta dalam aktiviti tu.

Moi & Tikah

Di lain hari, inshaaAllah Moi akan berblog plak pasal aktiviti yang Moi lakukan tuu ..bukan ape, saje je nak kasi banyak post sket.. MUHAHA!

P/S: ni la first time cuti tu rasa berbaloi-baloi sket.. huhu. ciao!

Friday 15 February 2013

Sunday 3 February 2013


Assalamualaikum...krik krik krik.. sunyi sepi, itulah yang boleh digambarkan dengan beloq Moi sekarang ni..haha.. Bukannya apa, Moi busy gila-gila, nak rehat pon tak sempat kot. Pergi sana, pergi sini mengalahkan orang wat bisnes skor A. #eh! LOL. Tapi aokmer usahlah terpedaya dengan kata-kata dan janji manis Moi ni.. Semuanya bohong senohong belaka. muehehe

Alkisahnya, during this semester break, Moi did not do anything really beneficial  (as usual). Just the same old usual boring routine, get up eat watching tv surfing the web blegh blegh blegh... Sounds dry huh? but not so dry la everyday.. On certain days, Moi also got date with my friends maa.. haha 

Tapi kei aokmer, bendo hok paling banyok Moi wat ialah maing nge anok sdaro..wahaha! Pah dok kekoh pasal tv, ipad, mainan dio.. Sedak kaca budak kecik ni aokmer,, kaca-kaca pahtu dio ngamok, teriok..muahaha! (kejamnyo Moi) -.-  Tapi segalo kenak-kenak tu la hok wat kitore lagi rapat sbenanyo,, sapa Moi tengoh solat pong, ado plok budok kecik tu naik atah blake Moi maso tengoh sujud tuu.. Meme Moi ake rindu lah ko budok ni nati balik uni pahni..huhu

But at least, Moi did do learned foreign language like I've always wanted. And no, I'm not really fluent in that language. What language you ask? It's francais. Don't know why I learnt this language, *it's kinda hard dude!* maybe because I've always wanted to travel overseas (Still, it doesn't make any sense, does it?) But at least I learned some of the basic words and tested Moiself with my friend who is studying in French. LOL. Here are some french phrases:

Bonjour! Je suis Moi. Je suis de Malaysi. Je parle un peu francais. Comment allez-vou? Bien?
A plus tard!

*Have a try and start twisting your tounge! :p*

Begitulah sehari-hari hidup Moi setakat ini...  Terima kasih kat kawan Moi yang mengingatkan Moi pasal beloq ni...haha. Demi beliau, Moi menolak kemalasan menulis itu, maka terhasillah entri jameela ini. Sekarang sudah pon larut malam *tara kuca, tara kuca ca*, maka Moi ingin meminta izin untuk beradu dahulu di atas katil yang empuk yang sudah pon memanggil Moi dan bantak busuk Moi

P/S: Au revior! Bonne nuit!
        (goodbye! good night)


Tuesday 25 December 2012


Assalamualaikum uolls.. -.- 

hari ni hari ke-2 moi kat rumah sempena cuti-cuti midsem 1 ni.. Moi berasa agak penat ngan 2nd year ni.. memang cuti ni teramat sangatlah ditunggu2 oleh Moi. tapi aokmer, apakan daya, cuti2 pon, ada keje. :( bukan satu, dua..tapi banyaaak.  Moi jadi tekanang plok duk fikir keja2 belambak ni.. dengan event nya lagi.. pastu next sem ada event lagi. >:(

oke,, da brape bulan tangguh post ni... sekarang ni tengah study week... bertamba setegheh tuu..huahaha.. padan muka Moi..kbai...