Sunday 2 March 2014

A sudden urge to Write

2nd March 2014, 11.51pm

WHOA! it has been almost 3 years now since the post upthere. I just want to say, after all these years of studying and failing and studying and failing, I actually feel better about my course, Science Biomedicine! *insert fireworks* Now I'm a third year student and I feel determined. Determined of what? You'd ask. I don't know. It's just that, I get a different perspective of my course. Sure, we're not as fancy as doctors, 'cause we're the behind-the-scene guys (or girls). But what we do is equally important as the doctors. We are actually a part of a bigger team and we can't do our job properly if one of us flunk it. After all, we're in the human business. Sick people come to the hospital - the doctor take samples -  send to the lab - we examined it - back to the doctor and he diagnosed it. Not all doctors can remember what they memorized from their textbooks. It's not like sick people - doctor - diagnosed (tho it is true in not so serious cases). The doctors need our help to help him to help you (i.e the patients). 

I had always been afraid if what I do now is not right for me, it is not meant for me. But from what I've learnt, the knowledge seems to never cease to stun me. But of course the knowledge comes with a price. I've been stressed out, cried out loud, and felt doubtful of myself. It got worse when my results were like feces. But like what Good Girl  Miley Cyrus once said, 'gotta keep my head held high' there's always gonna be another mountain And I did, despite of what I felt on the inside ( a failure). And Alhamdulillah, the fifth semester had been a good semester for me and I hope it would last until forever. 

Personally, I think from Biomedical course, we can do so many things! Not particularly work in the lab all day, all year long. We can be in a research team, trying very hard to cure diseases, finding new ways of solving problems. We can be in biotech team, working on new technologies. Heck, we can even be doctors too! 

-12.30 AM, and I really must go to bed, because you know, tomorrow (or today?) is Monday-

Last but not least, few words for myself and other students who are also been struggling and in a pithole,

Just close your eyes and push right through,

I know it's tough right now,
This was meant for you,
When the clouds are gone,
Not a storm insight,
You'll be drenched in the sun,
With open eyes...

P/S: Different perspective, try it!

         Start with nawaitu

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